ZAPI - especially from her father side she is rich in some great racing blood and she proved it many times at different races in Poland and abroad. She showed big passion and a great winning spirit. She raced quite often in Czech Republic and in the season of 1996 she ranked at a high 12th position among more then 40 bitches. We reminiscent with a lot of emotion and rejoice when she represented Poland at the World Racing Championships in 1995 in Belgium and 1996 in Hungary - where she won her racing and got the highest position among all Polish representatives - and at the European Racing Championships in Germany (1995) and France (1996). In Poland she has always stayed among the leaders. She was the first Polish female to win CCW (a certificate of a racing champion) together with the PRESIDENT'S CUP. In 1996 she ranked second at the SLOWIAN CUP (giving the first place to a bitch form Czech) and in 1997 she was the Winner of the SLOWIAN CUP as the first polish whippet ever (and the second was her sister ZAWSZE POLKA Lazarus living in Czech). She was also very successful at dog shows - in 1996 she was The Club Winner and of course she is a Polish Champion. As bright as her career developed it has ended unexpectedly. In May 1998 she got badly hurt and as a result she was paralyzed. A long and tough recuperation took months until she got better. Currently she can walk but all she is left with are long walks, soft cushion in a bed, full plate and our loving hearts. It is a sad story but with a happy end. Nowadays our dogs rarely can be seen racing. They do not take part in any racecourse championships, and only from time to time we take them for coursings. We stopped racing our dogs after this accident…

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